• The Forgotten Family Members, Friends and Strangers – The Grateful Stepmother

  • Stemother help Stepmom Advice stepfamily

    Stepmothers need to remember the people who make us feel welcome~Painting by Susan Falcon-Hargraves

    This week, our family gathered to celebrate the life of my father-in-law who passed away last year.  We just had a blast as we watched all of our children and grandchildren just have fun.  We ate and drank too much.  We celebrated another win from the Notre Dame football team.  (Our family lives in South Bend, Indiana.)  We expressed how grateful we were to be together.  We are truly blessed.

    Even after all of these years, I still have ‘stepmother’ moments.  It’s something that I do to myself. These are those times that I find myself watching from the sidelines.   My mind wanders to that place that makes me wonder if I belong.  It’s that momentary taste of loneliness.  Like I am not a “real” member of the family.  It was at that moment that I realized how many people have supported our blended family and our marriage.  People that I never thought about.

    That aunt or uncle who greets you with a hug or a smile.  What about all of those family members who were upset about the original divorce and, yet, welcomed us with open arms?  Are there family and friends who help us on a daily basis, by babysitting or picking up the kids from activities?  Sometimes, it’s just that person who appears to have no judgment.  I just love that.

    So, I dedicate a hearty, “THANK YOU!” to all of those friends, family and strangers who have all of us stepmothers in.  We appreciate you, although we may not have had the opportunity to tell you.  We’ll watch for you and greet you with a hearty hug and smile.  After all, isn’t that how true spirituality works?