• Celebrating Stepfamily Day: Why #Stepfamilies Are Better

    • Stepfamily Day is a day to celebrate our awesome stepfamilies

      Stepfamilies Are Awesome! Happy Stepfamily Day!

      If you are lucky enough to have a stepparent, a step-sibling and step-relatives, September 16th is your day.  It is National Stepfamily Day.  The purpose of this day is to recognize stepfamilies by taking a minute and recognizing the love, care and support the step-relatives provide.  It is the day for us to remember how lucky we are to be loved by more people than we can count.  We are  in magical families that weave and braid our lives together:  resulting in a quilted concoction.  Here are a bunch of reasons that being in a stepfamily is super awesome.

      1. There are more people to get things done.
      2. You split the chores among more people so you don’t have to do as much.
      3. You get more presents on birthdays and holidays.
      4. You get to do more fun things because there are more people who will introduce you to more fun stuff.
      5. It’s easier to get a ride somewhere.
      6. You get to eat different foods.
      7. You go on more vacations.
      8. There are more people to ask for help.
      9. The parties are better because there are more people attend.
      10. There are more parties.
      11. There are more kids and, therefore, more fun.
      12. There are more reasons to laugh.
      13. There are more clothes to borrow.
      14. There are more good ideas and opinions.  Conversations are livelier.
      15. There are more people to advise you.
      16. There are more people to applaud you.
      17. There are more people to take your side.
      18. There are more people to hug you.
      19. There are more people to help you achieve your dreams.
      20. You can almost form your own baseball/football/basketball team…maybe

      What else did I forget?  Please feel free to comment and add to the list.

      One thing we shouldn’t forget is to take a few moments to realize how lucky we all are to have one another.

      Happy Stepfamily Day from Barb and All of Us at The Evil Stepmother Speaks!