• Stepmothers and MothersAre We Like the Mean Girls in High School?We Should Know Better! Have you ever felt as if your stepfamily life mirrored your high school years?  Girls talking about one another?  Never feeling as if you were good enought?  Pretty enough?  Smart enough?  (Sounds like the SNL character Stuart Smalley) Life in high school was stressful. It was like you were

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    Stepmothers Have a Tremendous Effect on Their Stepchildren via The Pygmalion Effect Is that true? Is there nothing that you can do to affect your stepchildren’s life? If you feel powerless, I want to remind you of The Pygmalion Effect. The Pygmalion Effect is a scientifically proven phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation placed upon people the better they perform. Another way to look

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    Anne Taintor's Images Encapsulate the Ultimate Passive Aggressive Behavior. Big Smiles. Their Thoughts are In the Words. We love Anne Taintor! Passive aggressiveness runs rampant in our stepfamilies.  I hypothesize that there is a minimum of one family member who exhibits these behaviors.  Are you one of the passive aggressive family members?  Or, are you living with passive aggressive

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    When Will Stepmothers Get Their Justice? When will I get justice?  Have you ever thought about justice?  I know that I have. Does any of this sound familiar? "I do all of this work.  When will someone thank me?" " I am always the one picking up the pieces.  Yet, I never get asked.  It's just assumed I'll watch the kids or cook the meals." "I am everyone's doormat." "IT'S JUST UNFAIR!

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    Stepmothers: Can We Create a Soft Place to Land for Our Children? Ourselves? Our Partners?(Source: coloribus.com) Dr. Laura Schlesinger always advises her clients that they should never marry a person with children.  She advises that divorced parents should focus should on the children and there is not room for another person.  She also argues that there will always be resentments on all

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    Drop Anchors, Not BombsFind This Image and T Shirt on The Beat Box sitehttp://www.thebeat-box.com/2012/05/ahoy-obey-clothing-drops-anchors.html When you live in a remarried home, there are tons of moving parts.  Kids are going back and forth.  We are working.  Relationships go up and down.  Emotions swirl around our heads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Much like the waves of the ocean can

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    Stepmothers and Mothers Are Human Beings with Basic Human Needs I always wanted to tape  a frank conversation between a stepmother and a Mother.  I always had this theory that if we could hear each other, we may think differently about the way we think, act and speak.  I am anxious to hear your feedback on the conversation. This is a personal conversation between me and a friend of

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    Years ago, I stumbled upon a website called Heartless Bitches.  It's an irreverent, wild site where women just speak their minds.  I love it.  I must have been having a "moment" and was googling for stepmother solutions when I found this blog or rant on the site.  It has always stuck with me.  Tell me if I'm wrong, but can't we all relate to all or part of this one!  By the way, it applies

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    This blog was never meant to be a political forum.  I am writing this blog after the carnage in Newtown, Connecticut where a person walked into Sandy Brook Elementary School and killed 20 babies and 6 caring teachers.  The country is reeling from the horror of the act.  The grief is overwhelming and the thought that is in everyone's mind is "There but for the grace of G-d go I".  As I

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    Stepmothers Sometimes Feel As If Their Bodies and Minds Have Been Overtaken By Their Stepmother Role A step family can be like living in a haunted house.  There are ghosts and goblins behind every corner.  Every time you think that things are going well, “Boo!” another monster comes out of the woodwork and you are back to ‘square one’.  We all have experienced these phenomena.  A

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