• Join us for our 2017 Stepmom Retreats! Stepfamily life is tough. The only thing that is tougher than blending the family is keeping your marriage intact.  Statistics vary from a 50% to 75% divorce rate in a marriage where there are children from a prior relationship.  Anyone who is a member of a stepfamily will attest that they had no idea what they were getting into. Parenting and the

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    Stepmothers Have a Tremendous Effect on Their Stepchildren via The Pygmalion Effect Is that true? Is there nothing that you can do to affect your stepchildren’s life? If you feel powerless, I want to remind you of The Pygmalion Effect. The Pygmalion Effect is a scientifically proven phenomenon whereby the greater the expectation placed upon people the better they perform. Another way to look

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    Every Stepmom Wants A Knight In Shining Armor Okay, I’ll admit it.  I want a Knight in Shining Armor.  I want my Knight to follow me around and defend me at all costs.  I do not need him to be my bodyguard, like the bodyguard of a celebrity or politician.  I need him to defend my thoughts, wants and desires.  I need him to pay attention to me and listen to me.  My Knight would always

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    Stepmothers Stitch a Web of Compassion When I think of Valentine's Day, I think of all the stepmothers who spend their days and nights stitching hearts together.  We are the silent seamstresses who watch the family patterns.  When we see a piece of heart tear, we are quick to try to mend it.  We grab our sewing kits.  We find the thread and, with precision, we push it through eye of the

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    Can Faith Help the Stepmom? Yes, we did.  Heather Hetchler of Cafesmom and I did a radio show about faith and how it does or doesn't fit into our stepfamilies.  Faith is such a controversial topic because it is clearly related to religion.  In our case, Heather is Christian and I am Jewish.  For that reason, we thought it would be fun to discuss our faiths and see how we both fit faith into

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